On the road again – Country of space & soul

This incredible Namibian day started and ended with the kindness of strangers.

On the road again – Diamonds, wild horses & beauty in unexpected places

'Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain.' The words were scrawled on a board above the counter at the Aus Namib Garage, where I filled up my Namibia2Go Fortuna with diesel and my stomach with steaming coffee and a toasted cheese.

On the road again – Into the arms of the Namib

From Swakopmund the desert route leading southwards is peppered with jewels. Dramatic desert scenery, towering sand dunes and majestic mountains . . .

On the road again – Rock ‘n rolling through Namibia

After hearing the stories of Twyfelfontein, one of Namibia's bestsellers, there was more rock 'n rolling to be done. And in Dr Seuss's words: 'You're off to great places. TODAY is your day, your mountain is waiting so get on your way'.

On the road again – Rock ‘n rolling through Namibia

It's all about ancient treasures of the earth in this north-western corner of Namibia – rock formations, fossilised tree trunks, gemstones, mountains and rock art. Rock 'n rolling just doesn't get better than this.

On the road again – Dancing with dust devils

As I headed north from Windhoek in the driest time of year, dust devils danced across the thirsty earth. In the next few days, I would greet elephants, walk in dinosaur footprints, swallow the sun, climb up to the Waterberg Plateau, stand at the base of the Vingerklip rock formation looking out onto the Etjo terraces and arrive at an oasis under the mopane trees with its heart of fresh greens.

On the road again – 9 The end is always the beginning

The hot east wind was still blowing in Swakopmund when I woke, and it was an uncharacteristically warm morning. I sipped The Delight's champagne (their bubbly breakfast treat) and savoured their feast before I readied myself for the road and the last two days of my journey.

On the road again – 8 Along the Skeleton Coast

When the sunrise coloured the Palmwag landscape in red and gold, it was time to wake and head south via that notorious stretch of coast that had vexed seafarers of old - the Skeleton Coast.

On the road again – 7 ‘It might be gravel, but it feels like gold’

Love. That was how I felt about Omarunga Epupa-Falls Camp (& Campsite) and Epupa, that small Himba settlement right up in the far north on the banks of the Kunene River.

On the road again – 6 Kaokoland calling

Well, it was Swartbooisdrift calling first and I was late as usual. When I got to Epupa I would come across a house that had 'No time' painted on its wall in bright green, suitable for us unfortunates who are time-challenged. There just never seems to be enough of it.

On the road again – 5 O’Magic

The Owambo regions in northern Namibia are characterised by makalani palms, oshanas (ponds), colourful shebeens with wacky names and homesteads surrounded by mahangu fields, intermingled with towns and modern shopping centres. It is as if rural ancient Africa merged with the 21st century, creating a mish-mash of old and new with a rich Oshiwambo culture, or 'O'Magic' as written on a signboard for a barbershop and hair salon in Oshakati.

On the road again – 4 All things wild & wonderful

Ah, the sounds of the wild. There's something to be said for going to sleep with the sounds of elephants trumpeting, hyenas whooping, lions calling, jackals cackling and hippos squabbling. These are the lullabies at Chobe River Camp and the quintessential sounds of Africa. What a treat!

On the road again – 3 To Namibia’s wet and wild northeast

It is always with joy that I travel to the northeastern corner, the part of the country that balances Namibia's desert areas so perfectly. It's a journey into the heart of Africa which is home to some of Africa's larger rivers, winding reedy waterways and unfenced conservation areas.

On the road again – 2

It was with a happy heart that I headed north, passing the rust-coloured termite mounds that point to the sky, the road signs cautioning drivers of the ever-present warthogs and the twin Omatako Mountains.

On the road again: Into the bush

How long does it take to get into the bush? Half an hour, I discovered, or a lifetime. Only 30km from the city centre of Windhoek. I reached Okapuka Safari Lodge in the nick of time . . .

Earth walk – Slackpacking in the second largest canyon in the world

There are some bucket-list experiences in life - and if you are a hiker yet enjoy some creature comforts along the way - Gondwana’s Fish River Canyon trails may just top your list.

Green-tripping Namibia in the time of Covid-19: A travelogue from the heart

Soul food

Seeing the desert green is an experience not to be missed. The earth smiles. There is a distinct feeling of celebration and regeneration in the air. Hope bounces off the ground like a colourful beachball thrown up in the air by laughing children. Or, at least, that’s how it feels.

Green-tripping Namibia in the time of Covid-19: A travelogue from the heart

The incredible lightness of being

Canyon Roadhouse must be one of the very best reminders of the importance of humour and being light-hearted. Isn’t it true that we often get so caught up in things that we forget to lighten up – and just enjoy life? Today, Canyon Roadhouse reminds me of the incredible lightness of being.

Green-tripping Namibia in the time of Covid-19: A travelogue from the heart

Desert grace

Touches of grace are always welcome in life, as is the refreshing breath Gondwana’s Desert Grace lodge imparts with its rose-quartz and pink-gin flourishes in surroundings as stark as the Namib Desert. This is my graceful nest for the night and the springboard from which I head south in the morning en route to Klein-Aus Vista.

Green-tripping Namibia in the time of Covid-19: A travelogue from the heart

Hello Namibia, I’m back!

The words ‘May you live in interesting times’ came true for all of us in 2020 whether we wanted it to or not. Covid-19 arrived with a vengeance, generating a worldwide flurry of fear. I realised with a dire feeling of angst that if an Earth cataclysm could wipe out the dinosaurs in one fell swoop, an infectious virus could easily eradicate us earthlings.

Green-tripping Namibia in the time of Covid-19: A travelogue from the heart

Life is nawa!

At every moment in this incredible adventure of life we have a choice. We are never stuck. In the upheaval of Covid-19 we have the choice to tune in to the fear and negativity that abounds on the planet at this time or to tune in to the immense natural beauty surrounding us. I choose the latter. Green-tripping through Namibia reminds me how very good it is to be alive.

Green-tripping Namibia in the time of Covid-19: A travelogue from the heart

Where rivers run

Today I let go of worry, cellphones, deadlines, social media and the rush of our daily lives and thoroughly immerse myself in the journey. I have a whole day to enjoy it and to travel down the infamous Skeleton Coast to Swakopmund. What more can anyone ask for?

Green-tripping Namibia in the time of Covid-19: A travelogue from the heart

The Earth’s fruit-basket

Damara Mopane lodge, twenty kilometres east of Khorixas and a smooth and easy drive from Etosha Safari Camp, is out-of-the-ordinary extraordinary. Besides being an attractive lodge set in a mopane woodland, each spacious chalet has, wait for it, and this definitely deserves a drumroll . . . its very own food garden!

Green-tripping Namibia in the time of Covid-19: A travelogue from the heart

The time of wonders & miracles

What better time to be in Namibia than right now in the green season amidst the wonders and miracles of good rainfall after long years of drought when the earth breathes a deep sigh of relief, thirstily laps up the water and celebrates.